Wednesday, April 02, 2008

maureen's moment of grace

Y'all know by now my general feelings of disgust for Maureen Dowd, so I'll avoid the whole anti-Maureen diatribe here and just say that I was somewhat blown away to find today's column actually quite moving. For all of you Hillary Haters out there (and we all know Dowd's one of them), for everyone begging her to drop out, to give up the fight, and condemning her for not doing so already, I leave you with this:

"But the ultimate favor Hillary can do for the Illinois freshman is to fight him full-out until the finale and then gracefully release him so he can find happiness with another.

Hillary's work is done only when she is done, because the best way for Obama to prove he's ready to stare down Ahmadinejad is by putting away someone even tougher."

-Maureen Dowd, Hillary Hater Extraordinaire

I would add that a free ride to the Democrat presidential nomination, as he was given to his Senate seat three and a half years ago, and as he would have been given without Hillary these last couple of months, would have done nothing to prepare Obama for John McCain and the coming onslaught of the conservative hate machine that he'll be facing come autumn. (Did you see how he's a radical abortion extremist in today's Washington Post? It's already begun.)

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