Wednesday, August 08, 2007

where i've been wasting my time today

Yet another harry

Freakonomics the blog: I recently, finally, got around to reading Freakonomics the book, which Chris gave me for Christmas or for my birthday or something or other a few years back. I was thrilled to see that one of the chapters, about why so many crack dealers live at home with their mothers, focused on the research of one Sudhir Venkatesh, once a graduate student at University of Chicago and now a Columbia faculty member for whom we have provided reserves readings. Yay.

The world clock, courtesy of Richard

A tornado hit Brooklyn this morning. Seriously. And apparently the morning commute was hell. It took one of my staff members over five hours to get to work. That's commitment.


Anonymous said...

See! Now you're just blowing my cover...

Emma said...

meaning that you're rap star h-pity in the flesh, a crack dealer living with yo mama, or a l'il ol' tornado? :)