Wednesday, August 22, 2012

that momentary kind of love

Some current loves of mine.

Underground New York Public Library: This woman wanders around the subway taking pictures of people reading books, and sometimes ebooks, and that's pretty much it. It's great. There's a lovely interview with her this month on Vanishing New York (which is also a wonderful, wonderful thing). Follow her Facebook page for daily updates.

Jeremiah's Vanishing New York: the subtitle of his blog pretty much says it all, but he's got some great stuff here.

Humans of New York: wonderful, quirky, gorgeous photographs of people walking and talking and living in the streets and parks and plazas of this beloved city of mine.

Scouting New York: a movie location scout's take on the big apple.

"It is a funny question. Do you know what I mean? That kind of momentary falling in love that happens when you see a person on the train with a book."
(Jeremiah, Vanishing New York)

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