Wednesday, September 19, 2007

odd exchange

Young man, mid-20s, in a suit, 6:59 Friday evening, hovering near the exit with two well-dressed young women, glancing repeatedly over his shoulder at me as I try to close up the library for the night.

Finally, to me, "You went to Cornell, right?"

"No," I replied.

"Right. I didn't think so," he mumbled, blushing, and scurried out the door, well-dressed young women all a-twitter and fluttering in his wake.

I can't help but wonder who my doppelganger might be, wandering the wilderness of Ithaca.

1 comment:

Deborah said...

I had a doppelganger at Univ of Maryland. Her friends started saying hi to me. I was too vain to wear my glasses all the time (and didn't have contacts yet) so I would reply in kind b/c I thought maybe I knew them (until I got closer and realized I didn't).

I finally met her when I went to the campus convenience store and she was working as a cashier. We sort of pointed at each other like, "YOU!" The ultimate insult, though, was when my cruel pseudo-boyfriend told me he'd seen her and thought she was cuter than I was. Jerk.