Tuesday, February 05, 2008

politics as usual

I love these ancient voting machines we still have here in New York, the ones where you duck behind the curtain, pull that huge lever from left to right, cast your vote with these little switches that mark your candidates with an X, then pull the huge lever back to the left again, theoretically recording your vote. There's just something so intrinsically appealing about this, and about all these little old men and women manning the voting booths and mishearing our last names so it takes them ten minutes to find us on the voting rolls. I guess the little old lady at the table for Election District 77 wasn't much more awake than I was this morning, because she kept hearing my name as McMale, and I don't think I was mumbling that much, even if it was only 6:45.

Anyway, my excitement and faith in the political process lasted the entire time it took me to get to work. Then I saw this proposed legislation banning restaurants in Mississippi from serving fat people. As William Saletan of Slate so eloquently put it, "Banning people from restaurants based on appearance. In Mississippi. Great idea."

On the other hand, Obama won 75% of the expatriate vote in Indonesia today so he's off to a good start, even if that's only about 71 votes.

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