Saturday, February 02, 2008

politics, facial hair extraordinaire, old friends

I've been debating with myself about whom to vote for on Tuesday, and I've decided, much as I respect Hillary, and much as the notion of a woman president excites me, that I will be voting for Obama. I won't go into all the gory details here, but I truly think that America is crying out for new blood, by which I do not mean that we have become an (entirely) vampyric nation, but rather that we can handle no more Bushes or Clintons, at least for now. Nicholas Kristof wrote what I found to be a very cogent argument in this regard, well worth reading.

Which leads me, in its way, to yet another small confession. I loved Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle. I really did (and no, despite what you might think, I was decidedly not stoned at the time). So it pleased me to no end to see the other day that none other than Kumar himself, or at least the actor that played him, is stumping for Obama. Be still my beating heart.

My beloved alma mater announced its new president last week. I, and my entering class, had a soft spot for Judith Shapiro (fondly known amongst some of us as J-Shap), having been Barnard newbies all at the same time, but Debora Spar seems like a good replacement.

Former Romanian Priest jailed for exorcism murder of nun. And check out his beard. If I could grow facial hair, I'd grow a beard just like that.

It broke my heart a little bit to see John Edwards bowing out of the presidential race earlier this week, but he managed to bow out with grace, leaving the political landscape changed for the better in his wake.

Have I mentioned before that I love my state? I love my state. A New York appellate court decided yesterday that we have to fully recognize gay marriages from other states (i.e Massachusetts) or countries (i.e. Canada). This is still a long way for allowing gay couples to marry here, but it's at least a step in the right direction.

Last, but definitely not least, I spent Thursday evening out on the town, drinking till dawn (or at least till way past this girl's bed time) with a Republican. Honestly. It turns out they're not all bad! In fact, this one is decidedly good! A boy I've known since 7th grade, now all grown up, married, soon to be a father, and a sweetheart to the core.


Maia said...

Some of them are really just darling. This doesn't mean we should date them, but it is nice to have them as friends. Keeps us on our toes and whatnot.

Anonymous said...

As a verified beard connoisseur, I must admit, that is an amazing beard.